
為竹筒、影像和即時電聲(8 min

臺灣原住民達悟族野銀村(Ivarinu的神話為創作素材,將 「女性從竹中生,灑水於石頭上成男人」的曼妙情姿以聲音的方式呈現出來。

以原住民搗米的木杵做為發想,嘗試製作一以撞擊、摩擦和拍打為演奏基礎的樂器。取直徑10公分長度110公分的竹筒, 打通中間的竹節, 只留一邊竹節, 造成版密封的竹筒, 以利於聲音的共鳴。竹筒本身必須經過長時間的煙薰及烘乾防腐過程後,才可以使用它。
將一無線藍牙麥克風置入竹筒內開口附近, 便於收音。演出時, 當竹筒靠近播音喇叭時,便會產生回授效果。利用無線藍牙麥克風將產生之回授音響傳回到電腦, 在經由電腦音樂程式Max/MSP做現場即時的音效處理。

Karma of Stone and Bamboo (2013)
for bamboo, stone, live electronics and live video

This composition bases on the myth of Taiwanese aborigine IVARINU and uses bamboo and stone as symbols of the birth of women and men. The diverse sounds made from bamboo and stone should present the kind of dialog from men and women.

A mini wireless microphone installed inside of bamboo (110 cm lang) picks the sounds from the environment, especially the soundless speakers and produces the echo-effect through the distance between them. The echo-effect choreographs the body movement and interacts internally. Max/MSP/Jitter is used as audio and video program to produces numerous effects, which construct the entire form of this composition.


